

The NDSU Center for Visual and Cognitive Neuroscience (CVCN), 这是该项目获得美国国立卫生研究院支持的第六年 Centers of Biomedical 研究 Excellence (图) award (P20 RR020151), 宣布 Pilot Project grants for NDSU faculty proposing research projects relevant to the mission and aims of the NDSU Center for Visual and Cognitive Neuroscience. The due date for receipt of 2011 Pilot Project proposals is 1/10/11.

One goal of the CVCN Pilot Project program is to increase the number and quality of submitted grant proposals to federal agencies that address important problems in the field of visual and cognitive 神经科学. For examples of projects addressing topics of interest in these areas refer to abstracts 由国家科学基金会资助的提案 认知神经科学项目感知、行动和 认知程序 或使用 国家卫生研究院的报告 to search for NIH awards based on review by Study Sections dealing with Integrative, Functional and Cognitive Neuroscience, Biobehavioral and Behavioral Processes, Biology of Development and Aging, or Brain Disorders and Clinical Neuroscience (e.g., 这种, CP, 齿轮, 本量利; SCS; 重度; note: this list is not exhaustive).

All proposals must include a section which describes a realistic plan (including a timeline) for obtaining appropriate institutional approval for research activities (IRB, IACUC), 用于数据收集和发布 milestones, and for the submission of a grant proposal to an external funding agency (NIH, NSF, DOD, etc) within 24 months of the award (by 2/1/13).

Proposals may request up to 2 years of funding at a maximum award level of $60K/year. 资金 successful Pilot Projects will be available beginning 2/1/11. 所有的Y1资金必须在1/31之前支出 12. A Y1 progress report must be submitted by 12/1/11, and continued Y2 funding is contingent on 令人满意的Y1进展, which must include the submission of at least one project-related manuscript 去同行评议的期刊. The NDSU CVCN anticipates making up to 4 awards in this cycle.

Funds may be used for standard expense categories: personnel (Pilot Project Director/collaborator, student and staff salary, including fringe benefits at NDSU specified rates), supplies, travel, and 其他. Equipment items (over $5K each) may be requested if specifically justified. 注意,CVCN 多用户核心实验室设施 是否可供试验计划使用. 如果试点项目提出 utilize the CVCN Core Laboratory facilities, the application should include a detailed description of their 使用和时间承诺的估计. 不需要机构匹配. 间接成本就不一样了 试点项目奖励.

虽然不是必需的, applicants are encouraged to consult and/or collaborate with CVCN教员 in the preparation of proposals and in the conduct of research.


Submit, by 1/10/11, a complete application package (in .PDF格式)至 CVCN导演. 关键要素 的乐虎集团程序包有:

  1. A cover page listing the name of the Pilot Project Director and contact information, the amount of funding requested, a table of contents, and signatures of Pilot Project Director and Department Chair (if course release is requested).*
  2. 提案内容包括:
    1. A 10-page (maximum) NIH-style grant application (following SF424(右&R) 形式和 instructions) which details the relevance of the proposed research to NIH/NSF/DOD in the area of visual and/or cognitive 神经科学,研究的重要性 question, preliminary results, a description of the methodological approaches and 技术和预期结果.
    2. 参考文献.*
    3. A detailed budget and budget justification.*
    4. Contact information and letters of support/understanding from collaborators (if any).*
    5. A current NIH-style biosketch of the Pilot Project Director and collaborators (if any).*
    6. If the applicant is a junior scientist (i.e., someone with no prior external grant support) then the application must include the nomination of a Pilot Project Mentor. 导师 can be from outside NDSU, but must be highly accomplished grant-supported scientists with expertise in the area of proposed research. 为了避免利益冲突 nominated Mentor should not be either a prior or current collaborator/supervisor. The role of the Mentor is to assist with experimental design and analysis, and 准备未来的提案. 导师 are eligible to receive up to $3K in compensation for their mentorship (at $100/hour), but such compensation is provided by the parent grant and should not be included in the Pilot Project budget.*
    7. A description of the Pilot Project Director's plan (and timeline) to execute the research, submit manuscripts, and apply for external funding.*
    8. Note: if the Pilot Project involves human or animal subjects, proof of appropriate institutional approval must be provided before funds are released.

提案将在内部进行(图 PI/PD), Internal Advisory Committee) and externally (图 External Advisory Committee) reviewed and applicants will be informed of funding decisions by 2/1/11; revised applications may be requested based on judged strong potential for applicants to address weaknesses 由审稿人识别. Informal inquiries are welcome and should be directed to 马克•麦考特.


2011 NDSU CVCN Pilot Project Application Cover Page