Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Clinical Researcher
  • Critical Care Respiratory Specialist
  • Disease Management Therapist
  • Home Care Therapist
  • Medical Sales
  • Neonatal/Pediatric Respiratory Specialist
  • Pulmonary Function Technologist
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation Therapist
  • Respiratory Therapist
  • Sleep Lab Technologist

For individuals who

是否有兴趣在心肺护理方面承担不同的责任. Strong desire to work with patients. 

Looking for

A specialized career in healthcare. Hands-on patient care. Hospital-based internship experience. 

To become

  • Critical Care Respiratory Specialist
  • Neonatal/Pediatric Respiratory Specialist
  • Pulmonary Function Technologist
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation Therapist
  • Respiratory Therapist

Background Information

呼吸护理的实践包括诊断评估活动, therapy, and education of the patient, family and public. 诊断活动包括获取和分析痰和血液标本, 进行呼吸检查以确定肺功能是否受损, 进行睡眠障碍研究并解释从中获得的数据. 治疗包括使用医用气体和呼吸药物来缓解呼吸问题, initiating and managing mechanical ventilators, establishing and maintaining artificial airways, 执行肺部卫生程序和心肺康复活动. Education of the patient, 家庭和公众促进对疾病过程的了解, therapy and wellness. RT的这些基本职能是在合格的医疗指导下实施的.

Career Opportunities

呼吸护理课程的毕业生有资格完成由国家呼吸护理委员会管理的一系列国家考试,从而获得注册呼吸治疗师(RRT)证书. 新大毕业生在这些认证考试中的通过率非常高. 大多数州都要求有呼吸护理执照,并使用这些考试或证书验证来获得州执照. 为了保持执照,注册会计师可能还需要获得继续教育学分. 毕业生很容易在全国各地的医院、诊所和家庭护理机构找到工作. 管理领域有更多的就业机会, education, sleep medicine, research, sales and public health. According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, 预计到2026年,呼吸治疗师的就业增长速度将远远超过所有职业的平均水平. 这种增加的需求归因于中老年人口的增长,这将增加呼吸系统疾病的发病率, advances in preventing and detecting disease, 改进的药物和复杂的治疗方法. Mean annual wages 二零一一年呼吸治疗师的薪酬为61,830元(呼吸治疗师:职业展望手册:美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (

The NDSU/Sanford Respiratory Care Program

乐虎电子呼吸护理专业的理学学士学位包括两到三年的学术课程和在桑福德医疗中心法戈15个月的专业水平实习. NDSU/Sanford呼吸护理项目由呼吸护理认证委员会认证.

Academic courses include college algebra, chemistry, physics, anatomy and physiology, microbiology, psychology and computer science, in addition to general education courses. 转学生在开始实习之前需要在新大成功完成至少8个学分. The full-time internship consists of lecture, lab and clinical education, 哪些准备学生进入呼吸护理专业.

Near the end of the internship, 学生设计一个专业建议集中临床经验(RC 494), Individual Study). 常见的专业领域包括:新生儿/儿科普通或重症监护, adult general or intensive care, cardiopulmonary diagnostics, pulmonary rehabilitation or home care, education, and management.

Internship Admission

Admission to the internship is selective. 符合条件的学生在学年春季申请,在此期间他们将完成所有在校课程. 成功完成所有实习先决条件(新大8学分)方可入学。, 累积及核心课程的平均成绩(最少2分).50 is required; the maximum number of core course attempts is two), related experience, references, an interview, 并符合犯罪背景和学生行为要求. In addition, 进入NDSU/Sanford呼吸护理项目的学生必须具备完成整个课程的能力,这要求学生达到指定的技术标准, 或者要求住宿来执行这些技能. Technical standards include cognitive, physical, motor and tactile abilities, visual acuity, and speaking, hearing and interactive requirements. 技术标准的详细清单可在联合科学部找到 handbook. 实习申请可从新大联合科学系申请. 申请截止日期为3月1日. An admission committee selects the interns.

强烈建议对RC专业感兴趣的学生与呼吸护理顾问会面,讨论学位要求, internship admission, 并在申请实习前至少一年制定个性化的学习计划. Information about the profession, curriculum, internship, technical standards, and advising contacts are available from the Department of Allied Sciences.