

The demand for mechanical engineers with a good technical education has been high for many years. The Department of 机械工程 at 乐虎电子 offers an education that enables its graduates to take their places in all facets of the profession. 自《乐虎电子》, the department has graduated thousands of mechanical engineers who have worked throughout the United States and many other parts of the world. The Bachelor of Science in 机械工程 program is accredited by the Engineering 认证 Commission of ABET, http://www.教唆.org, under the General Criteria and the Mechanical and Similarly Named Engineering 项目 Program Criteria.


The standard curriculum allows students flexibility in choosing courses that reflect their interests within the broad areas of mechanical engineering. 这包括机制, 材料与纳米技术, 生物医学工程, 可替代能源, 流体动力学, 机器人和更多. ME students also have the opportunity to pursue minors in coatings and polymeric materials, 生物医学工程, 和机器人, 等, 哪些可以提高他们的教育经验.

The coatings and polymeric materials minor prepares students for careers that require specialized polymers training, 例如制造涂层以增强和保护车辆, 结构和机器. NDSU’s Department of Coatings and Polymeric Materials is internationally renowned. 美国只有另外五所大学.S. offer programs in coatings and employment opportunities far exceed the number of graduates.

The 生物医学工程 minor provides an opportunity for specialized training in one of the highest demand fields today. It prepares graduates to be able to contribute to the global demand for medical technologies and innovations.

The robotics minor is designed to give students the skills needed to design and develop robotic devices, 并使用这些设备来解决现实生活中的问题. The minor provides depth of content in subjects including microprocessor programming, 传感器和仪表, 驱动系统, 控制原则, 机器人操作. 研究生s from this program may work in a wide range of industries including automotive, 航空航天, 无人驾驶飞机制造商, 包装系统, 精准农业, 能源和采矿业, 等.

本科 students who excel in our program may consider advancing towards a master’s degree by applying for our Accelerated Master’s Program. This option gives the student a jump-start on the Master of Science curriculum requirements while they finish their Bachelor of Science degree by allowing 6 credits of coursework to be applied to both degrees.


机械工程系设在多尔夫楼, 哪一个是8栋建筑工程综合体的一部分. Laboratories and classrooms are well-suited and equipped for teaching and research. Students have access to PC computer clusters and facilities located in Dolve Hall to assist them in their laboratory and class work. The faculty offers a variety of expertise and extensive experience in teaching and research.


报名参加大一的机械工程课程, students should have two years of high school algebra and one year of trigonometry, 还有一年的化学和物理. Students without these courses may take them at NDSU to better prepare academically for a specific engineering curriculum.


The Department of 机械工程 has minimum admission requirements for new freshmen and transfer students.


Transfer students must have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.7.

All new students who meet mechanical engineering admission requirements are initially admitted to the basic program in mechanical engineering. After completing the first two years of the curriculum with a minimum GPA of 2.5,工程GPA不低于2.7 and no grade below a C, students are eligible for admission to the professional program. The engineering GPA is calculated based on specific core engineering courses.

Students who do not meet the minimum admission criteria will be placed in mechanical engineering under the advisement of a general engineering advisor until minimum admission criteria have been met.


Recent graduates have found employment in companies throughout the United States. 平均起薪约为68,000美元. 招聘新大毕业生的公司样本包括:3M, 美国冰糖, 安格斯的手掌, 乐虎集团工程, 北极猫公司., 黑与紫, 山猫, 波音公司, 美国嘉吉公司, 毛毛虫, CNH工业, Daktronics, Horsch安德森, 完整的窗户, 约翰迪尔, 蒙大拿达科他公用事业公司, 派克汉尼汾公司, 北极星, 普吉特海湾海军造船厂和Xcel能源公司.


Students in mechanical engineering are encouraged to participate in the 合作教育计划 at NDSU. It consists of one or more four-month sessions of work experience after completion of the sophomore year. This optional industry experience provides students with hands-on opportunities not available in the classroom and makes students more marketable to employers after graduation. Students who complete an internship or co-op may be eligible to apply those credits towards graduation as technical elective coursework.

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