  • 广告专家
  • 自由撰稿人
  • 格兰特的作家
  • 人力资源专员
  • 律师
  • 词典编纂者
  • 图书管理员
  • 市场研究
  • 公共关系专员
  • 老师


Have an interest in literature, language and writing. 欣赏通过写作看到的观点. 享受通过写作表达想法.  


灵活地遵循多种兴趣, 包括语言学, 有创意的, 技术性和专业性写作. An arts degree that can be used to pursue further education, like law school or counseling.


  • 作者
  • 文案
  • 记者
  • 出版
  • 技术写作


The 英语 department offers a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)和理学学士学位(理学学士学位).S.我的英语成绩是B.A. 和B.S. 英语教育. 部门提供的服务包括:

B.A. 和B.S. 用英语 – These degrees require 45 credits 用英语 courses beyond first-year composition. B.A. degree requires functional proficiency in at least one language other than 英语, typically 14 credits of course work in that language. B.S. 学位要求辅修. The flexibility of the single major 用英语 studies means that students can emphasize course work in literature, 语言学, 写作研究, 或者这些的平衡.

B.A. 和B.S. 英语教育 – These degrees require 39 credits 用英语 courses beyond first-year composition and 34 credits in education courses. B.A. degree requires functional proficiency in at least one language other than 英语, typically 14 credits of course work in that language. B.S. degree 英语教育 with a communication option requires 20 credits in communication courses and leads to certification in both 英语 and speech. 英语 education majors should contact the School of Education or the 英语 education advisor for additional requirements.

There are two minors available: 英语 和创造性 writing. Both minors require a minimum of 21 credits 用英语 courses beyond first-year composition.

Creative Writing – This minor offers students the opportunity to take seven courses in a sequence designed to develop analytic abilities, 写作技巧, and an understanding of the student’s own 有创意的 process.

英语 - This minor has two option areas for students to pursue: literature or 写作研究.

  • Literature option – This option of the 英语 minor gives students the opportunity to read widely in literature, 培养分析能力, 磨练写作技巧. 课程包括文学分析, 文学概览课程, 选修文学和电影课程, 还有一门写作课.
  • Writing Studies option – This option of the 英语 minor provides students with the opportunity to write 有创意的ly and professionally, 探索新兴的通信技术. 课程包括写作研究导论, 选修写作课程, and one upper-level literature or 语言学 course.


The Department of 英语 offers many options for co-curricular activities that add value and dimension to 英语 majors and minors. Students develop leadership and planning skills by taking part 用英语 Club and the 英语 Honor Society, 西格玛τ δ. They practice spoken 英语 with international students through Conversational 英语 Circles, and they create and edit an annual literary magazine, 北部Eclecta. The department office suite includes a collaboration and creativity space for undergraduate students, where students can meet to study or work on projects, 或者和其他专业的同学一起吃午餐、聊天. 英语 classes often work with a range of local 非营利组织, and 英语 majors are encouraged to pursue internships, 合作社, 以及现场经验, and regularly find opportunities in local industries, 非营利组织, 以及政府部门.


英语研究的传统职业, 比如教学, 以及专业和技术的写作, 目前在我们地区的需求量很大吗, 以及批判性思考的能力, 综合信息, 写作和说话都要精确, 清晰, 在任何职业中,效率都是有价值的. Thus, many companies look for employees with 英语 majors or minors. The demand for 技术 and professional writers has been growing, 很多公司, 非营利组织, 政府机构雇佣英语专业的学生. 英语 majors also acquire project management skills and the ability to work as members of a team, 是什么让他们成为理想的员工. Former and current students are employed in writing intensive and/or training positions; some start their own businesses. Some 英语 graduates seek professional degrees (law, 图书馆学, 部, or medicine) or graduate degrees 用英语 immediately after earning a B.A. 或B.S.; some choose these options as career changes later in life.


Beyond the core curriculum requirements necessary for admission to the University, students should have an 英语 preparation that includes both frequent reading from most literary genres and extensive writing experience.


英语系奖励超过8美元,000 in scholarships each year and 英语 students regularly are awarded Fulbright fellowships. 详情请与相关部门联系.

  • 哈尔和爱丽丝·迪基纪念奖学金 -授予大二、大三或大四的学生.
  • Ralph Engel教授奖学金 – awarded to a major who has completed at least 21 credits at 乐虎电子.
  • 马乔里·阿彻·哈格特纪念奖学金 -每两年颁发给大二或大三的学生.
  • G. Wilson Hunter and Phyllis Krantz Hunter Scholarship -授予大二、大三或大四的学生.
  • 玛德琳年代. 吉廷斯捐赠奖学金 -每年颁发给两至三名学生.
  • 马特和洛伊斯·沃格尔优秀奖 -奖励给一两个高年级学生.
  • 理查德·L. 〇约翰逊奖学金 awarded to a graduate student pursuing literary studies.
  • 鲁尼奖学金 ——授予研究生.
  • 英语教师奖 – awarded to one or two students with 15 to 45 credits.
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